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Facebook Pixels Gets You Leads - Hart Apps Internet Marketing Solutions
Hart Apps Internet Marketing Solutions

Facebook Pixels Gets You Leads

Adding a Facebook Pixel will allow you to track your website visitors and follow them when they are on Facebook with your message.

Bring More Customers To Your Business

Track Conversions

With the Facebook Pixel you’re able to add a small piece of ‘conversion code’ to pages or events (i.e., buttons) you want to track.

Lookalike Audiences

Once you have a custom audience built, you can then use that as a “seed” with the Facebook Ad system to find additional users who are similar to your users. Facebook uses machine learning to analyze thousands of characteristics of your custom audience and create a larger audience that shares many of those—which has been one of the most effective tactics we’ve seen for helping to scale campaigns.

Conversion Optimization

With the adoption of the Facebook Pixel, you can set up campaigns so that ads are served to those who are most likely to convert or take the desired action.

Audience Insights

Even if you are not ready to start spending with Facebook ads, implementing the Pixel can still help you gain a better understanding of your website visitors. . If you’re still not convinced of the importance of the Facebook Pixel check out some of these case studies from Facebook, or if you’re ready to get started...
Click Here to Get Started

Custom Audiences

Facebook allows marketers to upload first-party data (emails, phone numbers, etc.) but for savvy marketers, utilizing the Facebook Pixel to create Website Custom Audiences is an absolute must. The Facebook Pixel allows you to automatically create custom audiences of users who have visited and/or taken specific actions on your website (i.e., filled out a sign-up form, visited a product page, etc.). These audiences can then be used to create highly segmented retargeting lists.


Facebook retargeting pixel data and dynamic ads allow you to show targeted ads to people who have already visited your site. You can choose to get really granular here. For example, you can show people an ad for the exact product that they abandoned in a shopping cart or added to a wishlist on your website.

Monthly Facebook Users

Success Stories

Join Over 50,000 Space Lovers!

The NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers took a new approach—focused on mobile-first Facebook ad creative—to promote ticket sales for upcoming home games, increasing its return on ad spend by 77% during the preseason and season launch.
The NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers took a new approach—focused on mobile-first Facebook ad creative—to promote ticket sales for upcoming home games, increasing its return on ad spend by 77% during the preseason and season launch.
The NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers took a new approach—focused on mobile-first Facebook ad creative—to promote ticket sales for upcoming home games, increasing its return on ad spend by 77% during the preseason and season launch.


Most frequent questiofuga teneturns and answers

A pixel is a short piece of code that is placed on your website that enables your ads to follow your website visitors when they go to other websites.

Did you know that 97% of visitors to a website don’t stay on a website?  With a pixel installed your ads can follow your visitors when they go to other websites that they visit.

Yes.  You can add a pixel for the different places you want to display your ads.  Facebook and Google both have unique pixels.

Simple, click the “Let’s Get Started” button and send us your website and contact information.

Your Ads can Follow Your Customers

Facebook retargeting pixel data and dynamic ads allow you to show targeted ads to people who have already visited your site.